MCC Prayer Garden Brick Sale -REDUCED PRICE!!

At Hope Campus (242 Bender Road, Millersville) of Millersville Community Church, Kyle Shoffer created a beautiful prayer garden as his Eagle Scout project. The second phase was to lay bricks to enhance the look further and improve its walkability. Numerous bricks were ordered and have been layed in the garden. Space is still available if you are interested!

Create a lasting memorial to a loved one gone by or honor someone special to you now with an engraved brick. Each brick will accommodate up to 3 lines of text, 15 characters/spaces available per line. All bricks will be in the same font (Helvetica Medium) for a unified look.

Orders cost $75 each until May 31, 2023.

Checks should be made payable to Millersville Community Church with Cottage Brick Sale in the memo line. Checks with order forms can be dropped off (Monday to Thursday, 9am to 4pm) or mailed to the church office at 163 W. Frederick Street, Millersville, PA 17551.

After May 31, 2023, bricks will be available at the normal price of $100

Questions? Contact the secretary of Millersville Community Church at 717-872-4571